Byron's Babbles

Notice Anything?

Posted in Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on May 24, 2024

In the season finale of Elsbeth last night, Mateo Hart (André De Shields) told Elsbeth Tascioni (Carrie Preston), “If someone notices something about you, pay attention, and use it.” He was referring to talents he wanted her to develop that he had noticed about her. This was a great point and highlights a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and growth, as others may notice things about us that we may not see ourselves. I love it when people tell me the things they notice. Whether positive or negative I can then use the noticed “something.” Also, no matter whether a positive or negative observation, it’s important to take note of it and consider how it may impact you.

By “using it”, we take the observation or feedback and use it to make positive changes in our life or behavior. It could be acknowledging a strength we didn’t realize we had, or working on improving a weakness that was pointed out to us. It’s all about self-improvement and personal growth.

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