Byron's Babbles

Watercolor Leadership

Painting with watercolors can help us reflect on our personal and development. By creating art, we can express our emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a visual form, no matter our talent or level of skill, allowing us to explore and understand ourselves on a deeper level. Today, I used watercolor painting for a professional development retreat with Wabash River Career and Technical Education (WRCTE) teachers. We were at the beautiful Turkey Run State Park in Marshall, Indiana. I told them to find a spot anywhere in the park and paint a picture that represents the great aspects of their year getting students ready for their next steps.

WRCTE Teachers

The process of watercolor painting can be meditative and calming, providing a space for self-reflection and introspection. So, by engaging in this creative activity, the teachers gained insights into their own journey of growth and development. When we were sharing out, one of the participants shared he had painted the Turkey Run Inn because it was a challenge that made him reflect on his own journey growing as a teacher this past year. Every teacher’s description of their painting was very inspiring.

Painting with watercolors can be compared to leadership in the sense that both require creativity, vision, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Just as we must carefully choose our colors, brushes, and techniques to create a beautiful masterpiece, a leader must make strategic decisions, inspire others, and navigate challenges to achieve success. Both activities also require patience, practice, and the willingness to learn from mistakes. Overall, painting with watercolors and leadership both involve bringing a unique vision to life through skillful execution and thoughtful guidance.

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