Byron's Babbles

Wonder Woman Leadership

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on October 1, 2023

I got back into the U.S. today and had the chance to turn the television on. I watched no television while I was in England. It was time to sneak some screen time! When I turned on the television an old episode of Wonder Woman was on. I just kept watching the 1977 Season 1 Episode 14 because Diana said to Wonder Women (Lynda Carter), “I don’t think he is much of a war hero.” Diana thought one of the stars of a movie being made using actual military heroes was a scared lier. Wonder Woman replied saying, “sometimes that has to do with something called ego.” The war hero starring in the film had only become heroes through circumstances that had occurred allowing him to look like a hero. This really hit home after spending the past weeks intensely studying the work of C. S. Lewis.

Lewis told us this in Mere Christianity of pride: “There is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves. And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others” (p. 121). Lewis taught us that if we want to acquire humility, we need to realize we are proud. Pride is one of the great vices according to Lewis. I wrote about humility in Becoming Humble. Lewis also told us we could and should feel pride when someone we respect is proud of us. As he said, “Pleasure in being praised is not Pride.” It becomes pride with conceit; when we start believing we are better than everyone else.

Interestingly, the proud person is the one that tells us that he is humble. We certainly don’t need the high and mighty, egotistical leader. We need authentic and humble leaders.

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