Byron's Babbles

Watch What I Do

Posted in Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on June 26, 2024

“Watch what I do. That’s your answer.” I loved this comment by Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) in Law & Order Season 19 Episode 1 when he was asked by a reporter why the people of New York should elect him as District Attorney. He was saying loud and clear that actions speak louder than words. As leaders everyone is watching our every move. They are watching what we do and what we don’t do. This might disturb us, and it probably should disturb us, or at least remind us that our actions matter.

These actions can be big things as well as the little things. I had a great mentor tell me years ago that we need to be aware of all the little things that are communicating for us. How we show up every day matters. What we say, how we react, our facial expressions, how we text, how and when we email, or how we interact with others. You get the idea, EVERY action matters.

Just as Jack McCoy believed his actions and decisions spoke for themselves and should be enough to convince the people of New York to elect him as District Attorney, we need to be confident our abilities and actions. We mustn’t forget that what we do, say, and communicate every day is being watched. And rightly so!

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