Byron's Babbles

Pausing To Smell The Roses

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on June 5, 2024
View from my room at The Kilns – Douglas Gresham’s Room

This morning as I woke and pulled the curtains open in the room that was Douglas Gresham’s during his childhood at The Kilns, I was overtaken by the sheer beauty of the roses outside my window (see featured photo). No, I did not get up late, it just gets light really early here in Oxford England. I took a minute to pause and just enjoy the individual and unique beauty of each rose. This made me think of how people are just like roses in that they have their own unique beauty and characteristics. Just as roses come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, people come in a variety of personalities, backgrounds, and experiences. Since reality doesn’t always allow us to make a full stop for appreciation, I am titling it “Pausing” in this post because that feels more realistic. What I did was more of a pause and is what I do every time I walk through the house and see the roses.

Embracing diversity and recognizing the individuality of each person helps to create a more vibrant and inclusive community. Just like how roses need care and attention to flourish, people also benefit from nurturing relationships and supportive environments to thrive and bloom. Embracing the concept of pausing and smelling the roses can make us better leaders by reminding us to slow down and appreciate the present moment. Just like how taking care of roses requires patience and attention to detail, being a leader involves nurturing and supporting the growth of those around us.

“When is the last time you stopped, and simply enjoyed what you are doing in the moment?”

~ Janelle Bruland

Rose at The Kilns

Another important reminder for me was to make sure I stop and enjoy the moment I am in. This is actually one of the leadership attributes I am studying while here at The Kilns – Being Present. When I think of being present as a leadership trait, Florence Nightingale always comes to mind. She would not have been the influence she was on nursing and health care without her first-hand experience and “being there.” We must be present and in the moment to best serve our people. In fact, since I am living in C.S. Lewis’s house I would add that he acknowledged the power of presence in his writing when he, in Mere Christianity told us he would not attempt certain subjects because he had not experienced them.

By being present and adopting a philosophy of pausing and smelling the roses and being present, we can create a positive work culture that values diversity, creativity, and collaboration. It allows us to see the potential in every individual and empower them to reach their full potential. And make no mistake; I believe EVERY person has potential. Let’s inspire and motivate others to bloom and thrive in their own unique way.

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