Byron's Babbles

Learning, Growing And Reinventing Every Day

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on June 4, 2024

As I get my things stowed away and prepare to land in London England I can’t help but begin to get excited about the odyssey that awaits me. I’m about an hour from arrival and now flying over Ireland. It is 5:45am at The Kilns just outside Oxford; my ultimate destination this morning. I will be living where C. S. Lewis lived and wrote incredible books like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters. As a Visiting Scholar in Residence I will be spending my time studying, writing, and visiting with University of Oxford professors. Make no mistake, I will also be taking in the local flavor as well. Tonight I will walk the path that Jack, as friends called C. S. Lewis, took to The Ampleforth Arms Pub for fish and chips. I am hoping some of the locals I met last fall will be there tonight for rekindling friendships as well as new friends to meet on this pilgrimage. This truly is an odyssey.

This is an odyssey of personal development. For all the areas of self-care that I don’t do a good job of, my personal growth and development is one I have tended very well to. I love learning and even in my seventh decade I want to keep learning and reinventing every day. If you’re not, you owe it to yourself to start – it is never too late. And if you are responsible for the development of others, show your leadership love by making sure you are making personalized growth opportunities available that are unique to each individual’s need. In fact, I was visiting with a client yesterday morning who I have become good friends with and she was sharing that she has been doing a poor job of her own personal development. She was sharing some coursework she is wanting to do. I assured her that she needed to and that I was going to hound her till she did. She shared the information on the program and I really want to take a course or two with her – what fun!

What will your next odyssey be? What odyssey will you help someone else take?

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