Byron's Babbles

Connecting On An Emotional Level

Posted in Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on April 23, 2024

This past week I ended up in a fascinating conversation about “emotional contagion.” Emotional contagion is an important human trait because it allows us to connect with others on an emotional level, understand their feelings, and empathize with them. Elaine Hatfield (1993) defined emotional contagion as “the tendency to automatically mimic and synchronize expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movements with those of another person’s and, consequently, to converge emotionally.” This is not always viewed as a positive thing, but could help to build strong relationships, foster teamwork, and creating a sense of unity within a group or community. We must also be aware that emotional contagion can also influence our own mood and emotions, leading to a positive or negative impact on our mental well-being. This ability to share and transfer emotions plays a crucial role in social interactions and overall human behavior.

Emotional contagion is also an important concept to consider in our role as a leader as well. Leaders need an understanding of emotional contagion because it can have a significant impact on the dynamics within their team or organization. This includes the leader’s relationships with others. When leaders are aware of how emotions can spread among their team members, they can better manage and influence the overall emotional climate in the workplace. By being attuned to emotional contagion, leaders can create a more positive and supportive work environment, enhance communication and collaboration among team members, and ultimately improve overall productivity and morale.

By understanding emotional contagion, we can can help others effectively address any negative emotions or conflicts that may arise, preventing them from escalating and affecting the team’s performance. In essence, by understanding and leveraging emotional contagion, leaders can foster a more cohesive and successful team dynamic.


Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J. T., & Rapson, R. L. (1993). Emotional contagion. Current directions in psychological science, 2 (3), 96-100.

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