Byron's Babbles

Adding New Skills To Our Repertoire

Posted in Dubai, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on February 14, 2024
Water Taxi on Dubai Creek

Having just returned from my maiden voyage to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, I have been doing quite a bit of studying on this new place I immediately fell in love with. Right now I am reading the great book by Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, My Story. In Chapter 17, Diving For A Living, he shared, “My father asked me to add a new skill to my repertoire, something that would expose me to an aspect of life I wasn’t used to seeing” (p. 65). I loved this because I have always tried to encourage and enable this with my son, Heath.

Continually adding new skills to our repertoire is important for personal and professional growth. By learning new skills, we can stay relevant in a rapidly changing world, adapt to new challenges, and improve our problem-solving abilities. Additionally, acquiring new skills can open up new opportunities for advancement in our careers and help us stay competitive in the job market. It’s important to never stop learning and to always be open to acquiring new knowledge and expertise. Adding new skills to our repertoire enables us to be ready for new opportunities that come our way.

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