Byron's Babbles

The Infinite Loop of Our Influence

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on February 10, 2024

I got to watch some television last night and I like to study the characters and the personalities the writers give those characters. I love the show Bones. The protagonist of the series is Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel), also known as “Bones,” is a highly intelligent and socially awkward forensic anthropologist who works at the Jeffersonian Institute in Washington, D.C. She is known for her dedication to her work, keen attention to detail, and ability to solve complex cases through the analysis of human remains. Despite her rational and scientific approach to life, she also struggles with interpersonal relationships and often comes across as blunt or insensitive. Overall, Temperance Brennan is a fascinating and multi-dimensional character who is at the top of her field in forensic anthropology.

In the episode I was watching she made a comment to another character, Angela Montenegro (Michaela Conlin) to console her after worrying that she would never find true love again. Bones said, “Of course you will. Infinity goes in both directions. There are no unique moments. Nothing happens just once.” This was one of those highly intellectual and philosophical comments that most of us have trouble understanding. Those that know me know I love to think and ponder on comments like these. First, I had to decide if I believed what she said to be true. Bones was suggesting that time is infinite and cyclical, with events and moments repeating themselves in an endless loop. It implies that there is no such thing as a truly unique moment or experience, as everything is interconnected and part of a larger pattern. It also highlights the idea that nothing is ever truly isolated or one-off, as everything is part of the greater whole of existence.

Whether time is finite, infinite, or cyclical are philosophical questions that are still debated. I do believe there is interconnected, though. What we do affects the lives of others. Without certain people having been a part of my life, both personal and professional, my life would be very different. We need to stay cognizant of the fact that everything is part of a greater whole of existence. What we do today will affect not only those in our inner circle and those we serve, but others on a global level. C. S. Lewis taught us, “It is a law of the natural universe that no being can exist on its own resources. Everyone, everything, is hopelessly indebted to everyone and everything else” (Lewis, God In The Dock, p. 85). As my mom taught me, “Byron, your actions have consequences and will impact others, not just yourself.” Boy was she wise! Whose existence will you impact today? Make it a positive impact.

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