Byron's Babbles

Social Courtesy

My friend and great customer experience expert (and you all know I do not use the term “expert” lightly), Dr. Joseph Michelli, recently did a video “What If More People Returned Their Grocery Carts?” You need to watch it – it is great and will make you think. By the way, I do that and the businesses always seem pleasantly surprised when I bring the cart back in. My wife always grabs a cart in the parking lot when she is going into the store. I am spending my morning study time contemplating about “social courtesy”. The term “social courtesy” has been used for a long time to refer to the practice of showing politeness, respect, and consideration towards others in social situations. In my most recent course work with The University of Oxford Saïd Business School on leading Professional Service Firms we spent quite a bit of time contemplating the customer experience, so this was top of mind to me. I am working very hard to keep that customer experience top of mind, always. I’ve gathered some reflections here this morning and will have a part two tomorrow.

Practicing social courtesy improves the customer experience in several ways. Firstly, it creates a positive and welcoming atmosphere, making customers feel valued and appreciated. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Secondly, social courtesy helps to build trust and rapport between customers and businesses. When customers feel respected and treated well, they are more likely to trust the company and its products or services.

Additionally, practicing social courtesy can help resolve conflicts or issues in a more constructive manner. By approaching situations with empathy, understanding, and clear communication, both parties can work towards finding a mutually beneficial resolution.

Overall, social courtesy plays a crucial role in creating a pleasant and enjoyable customer experience, fostering positive relationships, and promoting a harmonious environment for all involved. In other words, if we all worked harder at it the world just might be a better place. Thanks Joseph for the reminder.

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  1. Social Courtesy Part 2 | Byron's Babbles said, on January 15, 2024 at 8:05 am

    […] Joseph Michelli’s great video “What If More People Returned Their Grocery Carts?”, I wrote Social Courtesy. In that post I promised a part two today, so here it is. As I watched two ships passing this […]


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