Byron's Babbles

Being Influenced By What You Said

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on November 16, 2023

C. S. Lewis said, “The very man who has argued you down will sometimes be found, years later, to have been influenced by what you said” in A Mind Awake: An Anthology of C. S. Lewis (p. 150). I have found this to be so true. In fact, I’ve been on both sides of this, as the arguer and the argued. It just really reminds us how everything we do has a role in our evolution. We evolve with every conversation and action we take. I can actually think of some things that I have successfully argued for in my policymaking life that I have now come to disagree with myself on and argue against using the arguments and reason of those who argued against me in the first place.

Lewis believed in the power of persuasive arguments and the potential to change people’s minds over time. He suggested that even if someone initially disagrees with our viewpoint, they may still be influenced by our argument and come to see things differently in the future. His thoughts emphasize the importance of presenting compelling and thought-provoking arguments, as they can have a lasting impact on others.

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