Byron's Babbles

Teaching Learning Ability

From Linda’s Slide Show

Yesterday in our National Association of State Boards of Education Annual Conference opening session, my friend, Dr. Linda Darling-Hammond made the comment that we need to teach our students learning ability. This enablement of learning is important to Linda and I and we even coauthored an article on opportunity to learn. Click here to read it. I spent some time this morning thinking on teaching learning ability. Teaching our kids learning ability means providing them with the skills and tools to become effective learners. This includes teaching them how to think critically, problem solve, and communicate effectively. It also involves fostering a growth mindset, where they understand that intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work and effort. Additionally, teaching learning ability involves promoting curiosity, creativity, and a love for learning.

I definitely believe we can teach love for learning. Encouraging a love for learning starts from an early age by creating a positive and engaging learning environment. Providing interesting and relevant content, incorporating hands-on activities, and giving students the opportunity to explore their own interests can help foster a love for learning. Additionally, praising effort and celebrating achievements can also help motivate learners and make the learning experience enjoyable. It’s important to create a supportive and encouraging atmosphere where students feel empowered and excited about learning.

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