Byron's Babbles

Clean Motivation

Posted in Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on August 2, 2023

The other day a person referred to me as having a “clean motivation” for one of the passion bubbles I have right now. Passion bubbles are those things I’ve made room in my heart to champion. I had never really heard the term “clean motivation” before. I asked the person what they meant and found that clean motivation refers to a person’s genuine and ethical drive to pursue goals for the betterment of all society. A leader with clean motivation prioritizes honesty, integrity, and fairness in their decision-making processes.

The issue that I was being referred to as having a clean motivation for was healthy school facilities. This past year I’ve been driven by a desire to serve the greater good in making sure our students have healthy school facilities. This learning and work is being done through a grant that our state board of education received. This work has nothing to do with personal gain or self-interest. It is about creating a focus on achieving great and healthy school facilities for every student. Are your motivations clean?