Byron's Babbles

Leading Like A Chess Board

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Chess, Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on August 19, 2023

In The Problem of Pain, C. S. Lewis said, “The ability of the chess player to play chess is dependent upon the rigidity of the squares and the board.” The leader is the board and the squares. This was a great metaphor that compared the role of a leader to that of the chessboard and the squares on it. The rigidity of the squares represents the consistency and predictability that a leader should exhibit. Just as the squares on a chessboard remain fixed, a leader’s actions and decisions should be reliable and consistent. This allows team members to trust in their leader’s guidance and feel secure in their roles.

In chess, the squares on the board provide a structure and foundation for the game. Similarly, a leader provides structure and a framework within an organization or group. They create an environment where their team members can operate and collaborate effectively. The rigidity of the squares in a chessboard can symbolize the structure and order that a leader brings to an organization or group. Just as each square has a specific position and role on the chessboard, a leader sets clear expectations and assigns roles and responsibilities to each team member. This helps create a sense of order and accountability within the organization.

The rigidity of the squares refers to the stability and consistency of the leader’s approach and decision-making. Just like a stable and well-structured board is essential for playing chess, a leader’s consistency and clarity in their actions and decisions are crucial for their team’s success.

All of this highlights the importance of a leader’s role in providing structure, stability, and consistency to enable their team members to perform at their best.

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