Byron's Babbles

Balancing Respect & Friendship

Posted in Educational Leadership, Friendship, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development, Relationships by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on August 13, 2023

Over the weekend I heard a person describe herself as being no one’s friend, but having everyone’s respect. I don’t know the person so I don’t know if the statement is true or not. What I do know is that the idea of having no friends but having everyone’s respect really made me think about whether that would work at all. As a person who believes that relationships trump all, I believe it is important for a leader to build positive relationships in order to foster collaboration and trust. Understandably, prioritizing respect allows the leader to maintain objectivity and make decisions that are in the best interest of the group or organization, without being influenced by personal relationships. Even so, striking a balance between respect and friendship can be key to effective leadership.

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