Byron's Babbles

Watch Out For Getting Our Tongue Into Our Cheek

Posted in C.S. Lewis, Educational Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development, Writing by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on July 17, 2023

In his essay, “On Three Ways of Writing for Children,” Of Other Worlds in the book On Writing (and Writers), C. S. Lewis spoke of a complement an author had gotten. He said, his tongue “never once got into his cheek” (p. 79). He was pointing outhe author didn’t use sarcasm or irony in their writing. Their words were sincere and straightforward, without any hidden meanings or humor.

When speaking about writing for children he he said, But only such good as involves treating them with respect. We must not imagine that we are Providence or Destiny p. 80). I believe I this holds true for all ages. Sometimes when we try to use sarcasm whether in writing or in-person oratory it can be taken wrong. I am not one that prescribed to no humor or sarcasm, as anyone who knows me will attest. But I do know we have to watch that. One, in-person we must know our audience. When in-person with a group we know well or have a relationship with, it can be effective. In written works where we can only predict who our audience will be we have to be very careful – it can be taken wrongly and not even in the context we mean it. This also holds true for groups we are in-person with. I know I have to really watch this and wanted to share.

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