Byron's Babbles

Nobody’s Looking

Posted in Educational Leadership, Global Leadership, Leadership, Leadership Development by Dr. Byron L. Ernest on July 10, 2023

A phrase I heard recently, although I can’t remember where I heard it or who said it, reminded me that we often worry too much about what others are thinking; or that we perceive they are thinking. In general, people are primarily invested in their own experiences and struggles. Others are not watching or paying attention to what we are doing near to the extent we think they are. People are generally more focused on their own lives and concerns rather than constantly monitoring or critiquing others. The phrase I am referring to was, “Nobody’s looking at your gaps. Everybody’s in their own story.” If you think about it, this is really true. This implies people are generally focused on their own lives, challenges, and experiences.

I know it is difficult to take the attitude of not worrying what others think, but as the quote I have shared here suggests, not as many as we think are watching anyway – if anyone at all. Individuals tend to be more concerned with their own flaws and struggles rather than constantly scrutinizing others for their weaknesses or shortcomings. The quote highlights the importance of not dwelling on your perceived faults or worrying about how others perceive you, as everyone is preoccupied with their own personal narratives and issues. As my dad used to say, “Their opinion of me isn’t any of my business.” There you have it from the wisest person I’ve ever known.

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