Byron's Babbles

Coaching in Action

It is only one week since my experience with being involved with the Coach and Be Coached series put on by the Kevin Eikenberry Group – . During a speech I was asked to make to a group of juniors in high school last week about what it takes to be successful I found myself relaying many of the great pointers that were visited last Tuesday.

Here are some thoughts I want to share. I told the students they needed to make sure and have coaches, and be willing to listen to what they say. Even if it hurts a little. Additionally, we talked about acting on what they learn. With no action there can be no results in the Coach and Be Coached program Cy Wakeman discussed that “Action is what impacts the results.” I go back to what I always tell my students – Walk the Talk!

Another point I made to the students was reinforced by John Spence who told us that he reads over 120 books per year.  I did some figuring and found I am somewhere around 52. I have some work to do. My point to the students was that success does not happen without a lot of homework. It does not end with the end of school. A diploma is not an award it is a ticket to the next level. We must be lifelong learners.

The last point I realized as I was speaking to this group was another role coaches play – We must be ready to recommend new coaches to our coachees. As their needs and talents change we must be looking to help them realize these needs and help fulfill them.

Thats all for now – it is amazing how one webinar can create so much thought.

2 Responses

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  1. Cy Wakeman said, on March 29, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    Great advice! Thanks for including me in the blog and I am thrilled that you found your participation in the webinar helpful. Cy


  2. Travel Umroh said, on January 28, 2012 at 2:39 pm

    great article


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